Friday, September 2, 2016

3 mini cupcakes is not helping me get to my goal. :(
To work on these goals, I did hire a personal trainer for 10 sessions.  That will begin on the 16th.
I also signed up for Orange Theory.  A location is opening close to me.  I am pretty excited because for the money it seems like a good fit compared to a personal trainer.  I am committing to the 10 sessions I bought from the trainer tho.
I am also revisiting Dr. Joel Fuhrman's Eat to Live.  hmmm...

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Funny.  3 years later....I have the same goals as my last post.
1.  Run a sub 2 half.
2.  Run 4:30 Full.
3.  Run sub 25 5K.
4.  *new*  lose 40 pounds. on earth am I going to accomplish these?  I think the first 3 will be the result of #4.  
I am sitting at all time high weight that I can't shake.  
I am currently training for the Chicago marathon...but minimally so except for long runs, mileage is not high.  
I have hired a personal trainer to help with strength.  I start with him on 9/16.  He has given me "homework" in the meantime.  

I will admit, I have low self-esteem with body image.  On the inside I feel like a runner, but my outside does not match my inside.  I am pushing a size 12/14.  I am slow due to weight.  I train hard but don't feel like I measure up sometimes.  I know I need to work on mental John Joseph talks about with PMA (Positive Mental Attitude) but I just don't have it with my body.  Sounds like self-pity.  Maybe so.

So, how do I turn this around?  Not sure.  Maybe revisiting this blog and documenting with help keep my accountable.  Maybe paying the money for the trainer will help. 
But, here is a new day and a new post.  

Friday, April 12, 2013

The Boot

I have goals.  Should I post them?  Sure, why not?

1.  sub 2 half (again--ran a 1:57 in 2006?)
2.  25 min 5K
3.  4:30 marathon

To do that will take a load of work.  But I am getting ready for that.  I am working through some plantar fasciitis issues that I have dealt with for over a year.  Finally went to the dr and they put me in a boot at night and gave me month of Mobic.  2 days and I already feel some relief.  We shall see after tomorrow's long run.  I still am going to orthopedic massage/stretching.
A few other factors that I think will get me to my goals:
*lose weight (20 lbs is goal)
*hill repeats/track work
*mid-week longer run

I am running fairly consistently but its the same run every day.  Need to mix it up a bit.  I have been strength training and I can tell that helps by my times on the last two half marathons I have done.

Ready to start Chicago training in June...hopefully managing my PF.


"the boot"

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Since August...

I have run a marathon and a half marathon... Done zero blogging and hired a personal trainer.

I am back. With goals.

I signed up for this.

Woot! ChiTown... It was my first full(2002). 11 years ago this year!

I am going back and will be celebrating a little birthday that ends in zero. The first number is even and rhymes with s'more.

Friday, August 3, 2012


I will post what I have been up to the last MONTH!
Yowsers. Been while...I's nothing exciting.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

long overdue post

So, the one person who reads this blog told me this week that I haven't posted in a while.  Sorry about that.  its been a busy week and my running has sucked this week.

I have been car shopping (no car to show for it yet), sofa shopping (I am waiting on it now to be delivered) and being lazy.  Oh and I got my teeth drilled on.  Yeah, that's the most fun!

I did get my hill repeats in this week on Monday.  I went and test drove a car an hour away on Tuesday.  Yesterday was the 4th and I just plain didn't run.  

And then, there's today.  Met my neighbor this morning at 6 am.  Got through a mile and I started bloating/cramping pretty bad in my lower stomach area.  So, I said, let's stop and walk just a sec.  Then we started running again and it got worse.  So, I told her to go on because it was hurting bad enough.  She said, do you want me to come get you when I get home?  I said, nah, I will be ok.  As soon as she started running, I yelled out, yes, come get me!  Well, 2 nano seconds later, it turned into GI issues.  I desperately was seeking a porta potty.  Nope, none to be I walked a snail's pace.  I didn't know if I would make it.  Then, she shows up about a half mile from home.  Just in time.  

Ever have GI issues?  I have only had one or two and today reminded me that I don't like issues like that!  Needless to say, I didn't get my run in today.  

Training is just not going as planned right now.  Hope to get it back.